Fixing a Paper Jam

It goes without saying that the most common problem you will find with your copier is that you have a paper jam. This problem has been around since we have had office machines available. Luckily, the problem is easy to fix if you know how.

The first thing that you need to know about fixing a paper jam is that the problem is easy. However, it can become difficult if you are upset. It’s never a good idea to work with your copier when you are distressed or angry. This can lead to bigger problems later on. Take a breath and make sure you are ready to handle the situation before you begin.

  1. Find the source of the jam. The paper causing the jam will usually be in the paper tray. If you can’t find it there then you may need to look inside the machine.
  2. Remove the jam. Be gentle and do not tuck on the paper. This could cause it to rip, making it more difficult. It can also lead to other parts breaking, which will lead to bigger repairs in the future.
  3. Double check for any scraps. Sometimes the paper will rip and leave scraps. Remove and excess waste left inside the machine.
  4. Run a cleaning program. This will clean your brushes, and remove any extra dust of tiny pieces of paper left behind.

If you follow these steps but still experience problems then there might be a bigger problem with your machine. At this point we recommend calling your leasing company to get assistance. You don’t want to make a mistake inside your machine that causes problems later.