Cost Per Print: Are You Paying More Than Necessary?

To survive in business, you have to maintain the monthly revenue of prints for your many different clients. The primary mistake we have noted that people make is when people purchase services from a copier company, and they have a pricing package that includes more pages than they plan to use each month. This mindset is similar to how people used to treat minute coverage for their cell phones, Better safe than sorry. They wanted to avoid the overage costs.

However, the problem with this mentality when it comes to copiers is that the overages are almost aligned with the per click charges. We worked with a medical company once that paid $500 extra for 80,000 prints a month. They bought from a company that charged an exceptionally reasonable price of $.00625 per copy. However, the medical company only printed 35,000 prints per month, which meant the company did not receive a great deal. Instead of paying $.00625 per print, they were paying $.0142 per copy, more than double their initial price. That goes to show that even if you receive a great deal on prices, you have to make the right choice on cost per print, or you could be paying extra.