More ideas on Document Management

Save thousands indexing in Charlotte

When we get in conversations about document management a common question is indexing.  It normally goes along the following lines: “This system is great, we think the idea of finding all of our documents quickly will be amazing…but who is going to index the last 20 years of paper documents that we have on file?”

This is a fair question. Filing cabinet upon filing cabinet of papers that need to be converted into electronic documents do not sound like a light task! We have, therefore, come up with a simple and cost effective solution. Hire a high school kid.

If you have a good document management system a high school student is more than capable of converting your documents for you in a timely manner. They get an opportunity to make some money, and you spare yourself the thousands of dollars that a doc management company would charge to do it. A good rule of thumb is a drawer a day to get your paper files into electronic form.

Give us a call, we’d love to chat about your doc management questions.